One Major reason why you may never succeed as an entrepreneur

Numerous entrepreneurs have been wondering why they have never made any head way, and I am happy to announce to you that the reason is not farfetched. Successful entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and Steve Jobs understood this and did what was required and eventually made it. Here is what they did;

Before we proceed, I published an article yesterday on "a mind-blowing approach to get whatsoever you desire. If you have not read it please ensure to do as you will not believe what you will see. Thanks for coming around today to read my notes and I hope to make an impact in your entrepreneurial journey. Alright let's go to what we have for today.

  • Do you have an obviously lucrative business to invest in but don't want to take the risk? 
  • Do you have a business idea that has the potential to succeed but you are afraid to venture into it? 
Your fears as an entrepreneur can surface in diverse ways and situations but how you manage it is what matters. Here is a common denominator identified among successful entrepreneurs;

They Took Risks

"Take Risks, if you succeed, you will be happy, if you fail, you will be wise"

Ask yourself, - what is the worst that can happen if I take this risk?
Will it cost my life? My money? My dear, it's not enough to say you want to be self employed and live a fulfilled life, you must also be ready to pay the price that comes with it.

The fear factor have kept numerous entrepreneurs stagnant. They have been playing safe from day one till today and you might even be one of them. This is often applicable when it's time to commit money. You might have willingly committed your time and energy but when it's time to commit your money, you will start seeing everything wrong with it and eventually consider it a big risk not worth taking.

It's very important for you to understand that if you ever want to get what no man has ever gotten, then you have to do what no man has ever done. In this case, it's even easier because people have actually mustered the courage to do it and they have either succeeded or failed. You don't know if you will succeed or fail until you have tried it. Great success is not given on a platter of gold, you have to earn it by paying the necessary price and that one major price is to take that risk that you have been avoiding.

The fear of failure will continue to keep you on a spot until you choose to conquer it. And you can only conquer it by doing what you are afraid of. The fact is that your plan can never be perfect and if you keep waiting for a perfect plan, you might eventually get nothing done. Just ensure that all the necessary things are in place and the business idea is worth it, then limp.

Everything is a risk including life. Sleeping is a risk, travelling is a risk, we take risks virtually everyday mindlessly and unconsciously. You might as well consider the business venture you want to invest into as one of the numerous risks you take on daily basis. You might never succeed if you keep refusing to take risks.

Just like I will say, the ball is in your court and it has always been. Don't let fear hold you down anymore, you can defeat that fear, the worst that could happen is that you will start all over and even better this time because you have learnt a major lesson. I know you will succeed, see you at the top and remember, Jesus loves you.

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