3 tips to stop living below your means

Focus on increasing your income and stop cost cutting. Stop living below your means, spend below your income and live above your dreams. Spending below your income and living below your means are two different things. Living below your means does not engender an abundance mindset which is the pre-requisite for experiencing abundance. It connotes insufficiency and poverty mentality. Below are some of the practical tips you can apply to stop living below your means.

Find a way to make more money 

Rather than cost cutting, find a way to increase your income and maintain your standard of living. Stop looking for where to get things at a cheap rate and find where the highest return on investment is. You cannot become rich by cutting costs, you become cheap. If you keep cutting costs and living below your means, your life will become more miserable and you will start going down instead of up.

Have mindset of possibilities

Rather than think “I cannot afford it”, the right question should be “how can I afford it?” when you ask yourself that question, you begin to brainstorm possibilities rather than limitations. You cannot see possibilities if your focus is primarily on cutting costs. Opportunities become apparent to those looking to increase their income.

Live above your dreams

Keep earning more so that you can afford to enjoy more of life. You have to spend below your income and live above your dreams. Find means to generate enough cash flow to enable you afford the things that you really want. Focus on the top of the range and good quality stuffs and not cheap things with low quality. Work hard, expect the best and choose what you really want.

It is important to note that living below your means and spending below your income are two different things; hence choose your words with care. Start spending below your income and increasing your income until you start living above your dreams.

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