Three things the greatest businesses know how to do well

The business world is endlessly complex, with no two businesses ever having quite the same goals and procedures that will enable them to become the greatest in their field. But despite the endless diversity of the business landscape, companies that rise to the highest levels of their markets tend to have at least three things they know how to do well:

Customer Service
Without your customers you are nothing. No matter how well your business is run, how good your product is or how favorable the market conditions, if your customers are not happy they are not coming back. Worse, they will tell other people they are not happy, which will cause them not to purchase your product or service either. Keeping customers happy is the foundation of all business success, so you need to find out what makes your customers happy and then keep them that way. That may involve getting a firm like to do a customer service survey to actually find out what your customers really think. That way you can find out whatever makes your customers unhappy, so you can fix it, as well as find out what you are doing right, so you can do more of it. 

Fill Public Need
Sometimes we get so tied up with the nuts and bolts of doing business that we forget our most important function, which is to meet the needs and desires of our customers. If you look at any highly successful business you will see that they are filling a precise need that the public has for a product or service. No product or service will sell if the public feels it has no need for it, so either fill a known need or discover your customer's needs through customer service surveys.

Be Unique
You can sometimes learn things by copying your competitors, but you can't do better than them until you offer something that they don't offer. That means finding a unique angle that makes you stand out from the pack. It can be something as basic as outstanding customer service, as practical as lower prices or a completely original copyrighted feature. But whatever it is, it should be completely unique to your business and ideally, it should not be easily replicated by your competitors. 

By offering outstanding customer service, while you meet a genuine public need in a unique way, you will find your business is indeed on its way toward greatness.

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